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Acupuncture and Electro homeopathy are based on the principle of polarity.
Acupuncture treatment helps to create balance in the vital energy and Electro homeopathy brings balance in the vital fluid.
So both treatment together can sustain the human body in complete balance.
The Combination of these two treatments helps the patients to enjoy a wholesome life.
This is the Core of Jivadhara.
Both Electro homeopathy and acupuncture is a natural form of treatment hence doesn't have any side effects.
Jivadhara treatment makes increase the immunity in human body.
Jivadhara treatment is affordable when compared to other treatment methods available.
Jivadhara treatment is the only one treatment in the world available for incurable diseases & disorders
Jivadhara Treatment make increase the Intelligence Quotient(IQ)level.
Electro homeopathy medicines are give continuously during the treatment and acupuncture course be given as 1 course of 12 continuous day with 15 days gap in between each course, then we support physiotherapy, speech therapy, Behavior therapy, music therapy etc.

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